Thursday 31 March 2016

I'm The King Of The Mountain

We have been reading I'm The King Of The Mountain.
We made crowns and climbed up onto the playground.
Read our story with us. 

"Who's the King of the Mountain?" asked Keri.
 "I'm the King of the Mountain." said Jedazaiah.

"Who's the King of the Mountain?" asked Keri.
  "I'm the King of the Mountain." said Priththika.

"Who's the King of the Mountain?" asked Keri.
 "I'm the King of the Mountain." said Viena.

 "Who's the King of the Mountain?" asked Keri.
 "I'm the King of the Mountain." said Gabriella.

"Who's the King of the Mountain?" asked Keri.
  "I'm the King of the Mountain." said Lilly.

"Who's the King of the Mountain?" asked Keri.
 "I'm the King of the Mountain." said Te Kauri.

"Who's the King of the Mountain?" asked Keri.
 "I'm the King of the Mountain." said Minda.

"Who's the King of the Mountain?" asked Keri.
 "I'm the King of the Mountain." said Hesioni.

"Who's the King of the Mountain?" asked Keri.
 "I'm the King of the Mountain." said Fonotele.

"Who's the King of the Mountain?" asked Keri.
 "I'm the King of the Mountain." said Taliz.

"Who's the King of the Mountain?" asked Keri.
"I'm the King of the Mountain." said Brooklyn.

"Who's the King of the Mountain?" asked Keri.
"I'm the King of the Mountain." said Faafua.

"Who's the King of the Mountain?" asked Keri.
"I'm the King of the Mountain." said Kavel.

"Who's the King of the Mountain?" asked Keri.
"I'm the King of the Mountain." said David.