On Monday we had pizza for morning tea.
It was delicious, hot, yummy and crunchy.
Here are some of our stories.
We are learning how to write a simile using as.
I like the pizza.
The cheese is like string.
I like the pizza because it is as delicious as an apple.
By Te Kauri
I like the pizza.
The cheese is like string.
I like the pizza because it is as yummy as cheese.
By Tulaai
I like the pizza.
The cheese is like string.
I like the pizza because it is as hot as a pancake.
By Viena
I like the pizza.
The cheese is like string.
I like the pizza because it is as hot as the sun.
By Faafua
I like the pizza.
The cheese is like string.
I like the pizza because it is as hot as a volcano.
By Brooklyn
I like the pizza.
The cheese is like string.
I like the pizza because it is as hot as rice.
By Priththika
I like the pizza.
The cheese is like string.
I like the pizza because it is as hot a fire.
By Kavel
I like the pizza.
The cheese is like string.
I like the pizza because it is as hot as the fire.
By David
I like the pizza.
The cheese is like string.
I like the pizza because it is as yummy as apples.
By Dhiveer